A blog about the life and thoughts of an international teacher.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Skookumchuck Rapids
So, on my quest to really delve into my west coast self, I went on another hike. It was MUCH more successful this time as there were few hills. It was 8 kilometres (5 miles) in total, but you hike in for 4 and then enjoy the view and then hike back out again. I took my nephew and he struggled in the beginning because I was going pretty fast. I was eager to get to the lookout because I didn't want to miss the changing of the tides. You see, this hike takes you out to the Skookumchuck Narrows, which is a extreme narrowing of the land to make a small passage for the ocean to pass through. Because of the way that it is, when the tides change large rapids and whirlpools are created. At the largest of the tidal changes, the whirlpools are huge and the sound is like a freight train coming from far away. Some kayakers who are EXTREMELY experienced and skilled like to shoot the rapids, but there were none this time... Anyway, the hike is great, the scenery is gorgeous and it is a must see if you are ever out here on the west coast and looking for something fun and active to do!! Check out the pics:
This is my nephew standing on top of a HUGE tree stump just before you start the trail proper. Yup... we grow our trees BIG out here!!
The rapids before they really got going.
My crazy nephew in a tree hollow... he was so excited to take this picture!! I love it... gotta love a kid who likes crazy poses.
A wider shot of the rapids... it was just the perfect place to stop, have lunch and enjoy the creation around us.
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