Sunday, May 26, 2019

New Life, New Country, New Job

It has been a very long time since I last posted to this blog.  Years and years.  There is so much to catch you all up on, that is if you are still reading.

The long and the short of it is that my time in Bangladesh only last 2 academic years.  A multitude of reasons from safety, stress, professional growth and so on contributed to my looking for the next posting.  And after what seemed like a whirlwind of interviews and conversations, I took the job in the place that I'd never heard of knew least about: Ulm, Germany. 

I've been in Ulm, working as the social/emotional and university guidance counsellor for the past 2 academic years now and I'm very happy to say that I've signed on for a third year that hopefully turns into a fourth and fifth.  Going from Singapore to Bangladesh to Germany has been quite the ride and I've ever so grateful for all of it.  I've learned more about who I really am in the past five years than I thought was possible.  And, here in Germany, my creative self is starting to wake up again. I've recently gotten back into my art, to crocheting, and to writing.  It feels good to open that part of myself again when I felt afraid or too busy for such a long time.

Watch this space as I update you on all we have missed for the last few years.  I do want to share Bangladesh with all of you as it's such a special place to me for so many more reasons than why I felt like I had to leave it.  I also want to share my new romance with my new home.  To say I'm smitten with Germany would be an understatement.  I'm also thrilled to have had some wonderful travel opportunities as well as professional developments. 

See you soon with more!!

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