... that packet you get in the mail has one of life's essentials in it: deodorant! It's not that you can't get it here at all, it's just that it's not the brand that I like or am used to. So when my Christmas packet arrived yesterday and there were 2 clinical strength deodorants in it, I just about cried for joy!! Also, there was a book that I can't get here because it isn't as popular mainstream as some of the NY Times bestsellers, a vest that my mother made by hand and a card that was so full of love that it brought tears to my eyes.
In all my years overseas people often ask what I miss most and there isn't a lot generally, but when I get a package like that from home that has things that take me back there and help me to be comfortable here, well, that's what I miss. Most other things I can get or find a suitable substitute for... So what are your "you know you are overseas when... " moments?
That's great, I'm curious what book it was..
I just got an envelope from my mom today. It took a month and it contained an advent calendar. She's given me one since I was a child and at age 33 I still look forward to it every year. Today I got to open a flurry of doors. My mom's been asking me daily if her envelope had arrived and with leaving tomorrow for the US I was thinking I'd miss it but the overseas fairies did some magic and it's here. Seeing her handwriting in her note and my dad's on the envelope make it special. Definitely know what you mean about getting the love far away. It truly makes a week wonderful. Enjoy your holiday treats. Especially the deodorant.
PS In Brazil, they only have roll on so I definitely know what you mean about deodorant. It's on my list.
The book was Glass Castles. It's a memoir. I haven't read it yet but my mom knows that I love true stories, historical fiction etc. Although, right now I am reading Cutting For Stone and really loving it...
I totally hear you about the deodorant. I packed like 5 of them when we came this September. Our crisis was over when we received our package from US filled with Oreo cookies, marshmallows and a couple of tree ornaments for my little daughter:)
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