Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So American...

I'm often asked by Americans how Canadians are different. And for the longest time I had a hard time pointing out the differences between our cultures but after living here in the US, I feel like I have a better answer. What I've noticed is that Canadians seem to be more liberal (politically). Canadians seem a little more globally minded. Americans are much more assertive in getting what they want (they aren't afraid to complain when things aren't right and loads of Canucks wouldn't think of it because it might be considered rude). Americans are much more outwardly proud of where they are from (yes, they are obnoxious about it sometimes, but overall it is a beautiful thing).

But one way to sum it up is what we found today:

The Diner!! I asked my parents if these were a big deal in the cities of their childhood in Canada, and they said no. And to me, a 50s style diner is just SO AMERICAN. It's this happy place with typically American foods and treats and it was the place of social gathering in it's hay-day. I don't know, its just an image that comes to mind every time I think of what is American...

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