Tuesday, August 5, 2008


No, no, no!!! I know that many people read the word "hook-up" and think of a one-nighter or some other dating scenario... but no, I am talking about internet, phone, TV, banking stuff and the list goes on. Today I got my internet hooked up and the phone should be done on Thursday afternoon. I also went ahead and did my banking stuff. Now all I need to do is insurance for my home and for my car, get a cell phone working, get set up at school and all of that. It may be a small post but it reflects how overwhelmed my mind is with the long laundry list of things to do...

1 comment:

Mrs. Anderson's 4th Grade Class said...

oh you poor, poor canadian. ;)

haha, kidding. that's crazy! wanna meet stephen and me down in cancun next week instead?